Tuesday, April 3, 2012

WIP Wednesday #8

Today is going to be a Work In Progress Wednesday.   And will be linking up with Freshly Pieced. 

WIP Wednesday at Freshly Pieced

Completed Projects:

0 Zilch.  Oh wait 1 baby new this week.

Ready To Quilt:
4 from last week and 1 new one this week one berry orange quilt

Ongoing Projects:
1 Quilt 5 X 5 blocks.  Also Jeans for Jared, and I started cutting up the John Deer Rag quilt this week all material cut up just need to start putting it together and sewing X's.  Man Quilts 2 more like Dad's Zag Zag and Paisley Parade I have enough X's sewed for 1 and half of these.  I did finish sewing one of the Man Quilts together this week but still need to cut and was hit (rag quilt) so will be done in a day or so.

Planned Quilts:
1 Case Machinery Lap Quilt for a brother in law. (bought the back and then used it on another project sigh need to go shopping again)
2 Bug Jar Quilts for nephews.
Tanya's Lap quilts from her fat quarters.
Rose Fabric for Mother In Law's Quilt.

Finished: 10 March, 10 February, 7 January 27 total for year
On Going Projects: 6 projects in the works
Planned: 4 (though I keep thinking I am missing a couple)

One big new thing this week is my Quilting Challenge I want to do a monthly or so quilting challenge I am inspired by things (art, chairs, carpet, wallpaper, etc) and I want to create quilts inspired from it.  This first challenge is based on a pair of chairs at work in my office.  Some at work called them hideous, me they are inspiration.  Post about it  http://richardquilts.blogspot.com/2012/04/richard-quilts-quilting-challenge-1.html I set up a flicker page to track your contributions http://www.flickr.com/groups/richardquiltschallenge/


jjthor said... 1

Lovely baby!! best picture of the lot today!!

Susan said... 2

Love the orange and yellow! It looks like it's on fire! No, wait, that's your sewing machine from so much use! =)

Amanda Mc said... 3

Great job on the baby and I love the yellow quilt. Will like to see what you do with Bug JArs I wanted to make one with thr whole BAckyard Baby line but I need to burn through some stash before I buy anymore fabric.

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