Monday, January 21, 2013

Rainbow Quilt

 Posted by Tanya.

The simple rainbow crib size quilt out of mostly non floral prints from Ticklish line by Me & My sisters is done.   This was a very simple quilt, basically 2 rows of 10 4.5 inch blocks of each color.  I pieced the top, basted it, and made the binding and my wonderful husband quilted it and bound it.

I really like the  way it turned out. It is one of my favorites.  It has a light pink minky back.

Unlike many quilters, we use a cotton batting plus the minky.  It makes for a heavier quilt, but also seems to make it easier to baste and to keep the minky from stretching/shifting.

 The binding was done using a rainbow stripe leftover from all of our Twirl quilts.  This quilt has been added to our Etsy store, as Julia has way too many quilts, at least until she is a little older.


Turid said... 1

I love this quilt. You've picked wonderful colors for it. Yes, just love it!

Nikita said... 2

I love the colours... this is so pretty!

heartsease54 said... 3

I love this! It is so colorful & cheery. What a perfect baby quilt.

todd ikey said... 4

Wonderful colors & quilt!

Jaime said... 5

How do you quilt minky? What does it look/ feel like?

Mike Pearson said... 6

I have to try minky backing some time. Looks nice!

Mary E. Stephens said... 7

It's beautiful!

Anonymous said... 8

I love that quilt. What a great baby quilt! Good joint project from both of you.

LethargicLass said... 9

it's simple but great! Love it!

Kathy@KayakQuilting said... 10

Simply lovely! The best combination! Minky looks lovely...but I am afraid....

Leah said... 11

I absolutely love the colors and flow- very inspiring!!

MamaSaree said... 12

Ticklish is my favorite! I just bought a couple charm packs - which I already have a project for them. I might need to buy more and try a similar quilt! I LOVE LOVE LOVE this quilt!

Christine S said... 13

This is SO great, love it!

Seams Sew Together said... 14

Beautiful, Beautiful quilt, I love love the fabric gorgeous!!

CitricSugar said... 15


And where does one find one of these husbands that quilt? I need one. :-)

Barbara said... 16

So pretty. Love your colors.

QuiltCandy said... 17

What a beautiful, colourful quilt! As for a husband who does the quilting and binding, lucky you!! Great joint effort :-)

grapes and hearts said... 18

A lovely baby quilt! Well done!!!

DeborahGun said... 19

I always love rainbows :-)

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