I am having a contest to guess the birth weight and birth date and time for Julia Dawn Healey. My wife Tanya is pregnant with our 4th child. The due date is March 29. The ultra sound said that based on weight, the date is a few days before that. Note that was taken a few weeks ago. James my oldest weighed in at 9 pounds 12 ounces. My smallest baby Jared, weighed in at 8 pounds 2 ounces. Our baby's have ranged from 11 days early to 9 days late. My kids current ages are 16, 13, 7 so its been a while since our last kid.
I would like to give a lap quilt or baby quilt for the 2 prizes. Your choice of one of these quilts.
Entry Methods
1) First vote is free no strings attached.
2) Be a follower and you get a 2nd vote.
3) Link back to my blog or mention the give away on your blog.
4) Give a link to a baby related item you have made on your own blog (yes free link backs to your blog gets you a entry) Things that interest me most are blankets, toys, items like burp cloths. Tutorials are great but just a picture that gives me a idea of something to make is better.
Please spread the word about this as I would hate only one person to win both prizes I am hoping for a lot of people putting guesses in. I would guess that more then 1 person will guess the same weight or the same date and time. Don't worry I will random number draw a winner if that is the case. If no one guesses it exactly, the closest one wins (or random if more then 1).
(Remember to put your birth date and time guesses on the other post)
10lb 2 oz
9lb 5 oz
8lbs 5oz
Quilts! From a while ago. I can't believe it was the end of 2010! It doesn't seem that long.
my first guess is 7.12
my 2nd guess is 9.1
ok, this isn't a sewing project, but rather inspiration for a nursery!
I'm guessing that she is going to weight 8# 2 oz. She wants to take after her brother.
I am guessing 8lbs 4 oz -
8 lb. 12 oz., which is about what my fourth weighed. :)
9 lbs. 2 1/2 oz.
I guess 8lbs.
I think she will be a healthy, but dainty, 8 lbs. 10 oz.
I am a follower. Hm. for a second guess, I'm going to shrink her a little and say 7 lbs. 14 oz.
Congratulations on your new daughter. How exciting to have, or soon to have I should say, a new baby in the house. My first guess for her weight is 8lb 8oz.
Thanks for a fun giveaway and a chance to win.
I am a new follower. I saw where you left a comment on another blog about your giveaway. Congratz on the new baby girl and the new blog! My second guess for weight is 8lbs 10.5oz.
Thanks again for a chance to win.
9lbs 3oz.
8 lb. 5.5 oz.
9 lbs 1 oz
8 lb 13oz
I'm a follower
8 lbs 2 oz
8 lb 15 oz (which is what my daughter weighed).
Follower's second guess is 8 lb 9 oz.
Link to a stacked coins baby quilt I made last year: http://www.thewayisewit.blogspot.com/2010/11/stacked-coins-baby-quilt.html
Third guess: 8 lb. 1 oz.
9 lbs, 4 oz, of course !!!
and if i were to win a baby-related item, it would probably be donated to Project Linus or another worthy cause ... i'm fresh out of babies.
: )
Hmmm, my third weighed 8 pounds, 4 ounces, so maybe that will be a lucky guess! I'd love to gift a baby quilt to the crisis center here! Thanks for the fun giveaway!
I'm a follower here! Thanks for the chance to win!
Both my babies were small so I am wishing that on you too.
Birth Weight: 7 pound, 8 ounces.
Good luck with everything.
10 lbs 3 oz
8lbs 13oz
9lbs 15oz.
Since this 4th one will be early, we'll go with 8 lbs,1oz
First guess:
8 lbs. 2 oz.
xo -E
Second guess (follower):
7 lbs. 9 oz.
xo -E
Third guess (link to nine-patch baby quilt)
8 lbs. 8 oz.
xo -E
Wow, your wife's a trooper. =) I'm going to guess 9lb. 0oz., that was my birth weight. =)
Thanks for a fun giveaway. =)
My guess is 9lbs, 2.5oz
Ok, I'm going to say 8lbs 6oz. Your wife is a trooper! My babies were all only 6.5 to 7.5 lbs. :)
7 lbs 12.5 oz
8lbs 11oz
Lets try 9 lbs 1oz
I would guess 8 lb and 3 oz
I am a new follower. I think she may tip the scales at 8 lb and 11 oz.
But then maybe she will weigh 8 lb and 14 oz.
Please check out my Blog at http://goldiesrambles.blogspot.com/ for Sunday Jan 22nd. There are lots of baby quilts there that I made for my local hospital.
I love the name you have choose, so pretty.
I am going to guess 7 lbs 9 ozs.
I'd like to use my second (followers) guess with -
8lb 12oz
My guess is 7.9.
Congrats on baby #4!
I am a new follower.
I blogged about your giveaway today at:
Here's a link to the most recent finished baby quilt that I made:
Okay, you might as well look at my cool interactive baby quilt that I made for my niece's baby too...
I guess 8 pounds six ounces
7 pounds, 13 oz.
I blogged about it http://maxinegiveaways.blogspot.com/2012/02/richard-and-tayna-are-having-baby-4.html
I'm a new follower.
7lb 10 oz.
7lb 11 oz.
7lb 12 oz.
My guess is 9 pounds 3 ounces
8lb 7 oz
I'm a follower!
8 lb 15 oz.
8 lb even!
7 lbs. 14 oz.
7 lbs. 15 oz.
8 lbs. 2 oz.
My guess is 7 pounds, 13 ounces
8 lbs. hugs
8 lbs. 3 oz.
I say 9lbs, 4oz! That's how much my last "little" girl weighed. Congratulations on the new little one. It sounds like you're really excited about #4. That's terrific. I just found your blog. I'm a new quilter, too. I'll be following along to see how you do....8-)
I'm gonna say 8 lbs 10 oz
I'm a follower so I'll also guess 8 lbs 2 oz
Ok, my biggest was 8lb 10 oz. so, I'll pick that weight.
I'm a follower.
Here is that post again http://cherylsteapots2quilting.blogspot.com/2011/12/life-and-some-finishes.html
Congratulations on having a new baby soon. I think she will weigh 8 pounds,8 ounces. Thanks for the opportunity to win your giveaway. Oh, and I think she will be born on April 2nd.
I am a follower and thank you for the opportunity to guess again that your baby will be born on March 29th, weighing 7 lbs and 8 oz.
I am guessing 7lb 11oz xxx
My guess is going to be the same as our Granddaughter who was born just one month ago as of 2 days ago.... 6lb 5oz 19.5 inches long.
I hope you two are catching up on sleep now. :) Good luck and congratulations. How special to have another baby.
and since I get a 2nd guess for following ..... hmmmmmm how about this one is 7lb 3oz 21 inches long
I'll guess 7lb 9oz! :)
thecountryblossom at hotmail dot com
I am a blog follower!
thecountryblossom at hotmail dot com
This is hard! My boys were all within an ounce of eachother and were as early as a week and the latest was 2 days past due (he was the biggest!) I will say 8 lbs 1.5 ounces. Hope all goes smoothly!
I am a GFC follower...happily. Thanks for the chance! Smiles~Beth
8 lb 15.6oz (that was my son's bw)
I'm a GFC follower :)
7lb 12.8oz (my daughter's bw)
7 pounds 11 ounces for your baby girl's weight
I GFC follow your blog so this is my second entry 7 lbs 8 ounces.
I am going to guess 9 lbs 5 1/2 oz! Best wishes and congratulations!!! :-)
I'm going to guess the birth weight of 8 pounds 5 ounces.
8 lb 10.5 oz.
I follow! 8lb. 11 oz
I am a follower and I guess 9lbs 3 oz
birth date.... March 30th 1am ///my daughters bd lol
8lbs 3 oz Congratulations!
8 lbs. 4 oz.
My second guess because I follow is 8 lbs. 9 oz.
csdillman at gmail dot com
The baby's weight will be more than a fat quarter but less than a layer cake, in other words 8lbs5oz.
I am a follower so my second quess is 7lb 11 oz...just because I think it would be fun to set a slurpee every birthday at the 7-11.
Ps. Thx for asking commenters to give you ideas for baby projects. It's fun for us to read what's out there too! Breathe....breathe... don't forget to breathe this week!
I'm a follower....I'll guess 8 lb 9 oz
oops, here's my FIRST vote...on Julia's weight...
8 lb 7 oz
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