Guess Julia Dawn's B-day

Contest is all but over see this post for more details Julia's Almost Here

I am having a contest to guess the birth weight and birth date and time for Julia Dawn Healey.  My wife Tanya is pregnant with our 4th child.  The due date is March 29. The ultra sound said that based on weight, the date is a few days before that.  Note that was taken a few weeks ago.  James my oldest weighed in at 9 pounds 12 ounces.  My smallest baby Jared, weighed in at 8 pounds 2 ounces. Our baby's have ranged from 11 days early to 9 days late.  My kids current ages are 16, 13, 7 so its been a while since our last kid.


I would like to give a lap quilt or baby quilt for the 2 prizes.  Your choice of one of these quilts.


Entry Methods

1) First vote is free no strings attached.
2) Be a follower and you get a 2nd vote.
3) Link back to my blog or mention the give away on your blog.
4) Give a link to a baby related item you have made on your own blog (yes free link backs to your blog gets you a entry) Things that interest me most are blankets, toys, items like burp cloths. Tutorials are great but just a picture that gives me a idea of something to make is better.

Please spread the word about this as I would hate only one person to win both prizes  I am hoping for a lot of people putting guesses in.  I would guess that more then 1 person will guess the same weight or the same date and time.  Don't worry I will random number draw a winner if that is the case. If no one guesses it exactly, the closest one wins (or random if more then 1).


(Remember to put your Weight guesses on the other post)


Belinda said... 1

This is fun! Ok, I'll be first.... March 30th... 8lbs 5oz... there. If you were to offer a baby quilt, and I won, I would give it to the St. Vincent NICU in Little Rock, where I take all my baby quilts. :) Good luck!!!

Tiffany said... 2

March 24th

Tiffany said... 3

March 20th

Victoria Findlay Wolfe said... 4

well, since that is my birthday
(March 29), I'm going with what I weighed... 5lbs. 6oz. ;-)

Sandra said... 5

Welcome to Julia Dawn Healey, born March 27th, at 11.00am
Julia Dawn, with a healthy weight of 7lbs 12oz.
Blessings to your family!!

Tiffany said... 6

A diaper clutch - not sure if you would use one, but your wife would, I'm sure. I use mine in my purse, in lieu of a diaper bag, when we are going on short trips, etc. Otherwise I just throw it in the diaper bag with the other things :D

Unknown said... 7

congrats on your new baby girl! i am guesting her bday to be march 19th!

Unknown said... 8

here is some of the things that i made for my daughters, hope you enjoy!

stephmabry said... 9

I'll guess...March 23rd, right around noon. :) Congratulations!

Unknown said... 10

my other guess will be march 21!

Have a Daily Cup of Mrs. Olson said... 11

I'm guessing that baby Julia Dawn is going to come a day late, March 30th. She's found a good home and not sure if she's ready to greet the world quite yet. lol! What a fun give away!

Lorraine said... 12

I am guessing the 11th March as that is my birthday.

Sallie said... 13

I'm guessing April 4th at 4:29 a.m.

hueisei said... 14

I'm guessing March 30, weighted around 8lbs.
Congrats on being a dad again! :)

hueisei said... 15

I'm a follower!

hueisei said... 16

I make a boy version. Maybe you can make a girl version. There is a great tutorial attached.

Susan said... 17

I'm going to say she'll take her time and be born April 2, conveniently missing April Fool's Day. She is going to be a very easy, considerate baby and come into the world at 3:23 pm.

Susan said... 18
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Susan said... 19

I am a follower, but I forget to check the blogs I follow page, so I wish you had the follow by e-mail button in the sidebar. =)

Second guess would be March 29, not quite so conveniently born at 10:42.

Jodi - usairdoll said... 20

Congratulations to you and your wife! My first guess for date and time is March 28 at 11:05 pm (sorry.. )

Thank you for a great and generous giveaway and a chance to win.


Jodi - usairdoll said... 21

I am a new follower. My second guess for date and time is March 30 at 8:38 am.

Thanks again for a chance to win.


Gene Black said... 22

March 22nd at 7:32a.m.

Diane said... 23

April 1 at 8:59 p.m.

Connie Kresin Campbell said... 24

March 26, 2012
7:15 AM

Connie Kresin Campbell said... 25

I am a follower, thanks for a great giveaway!

March 18, 2012
4:20 AM

Anonymous said... 26

Hi, I have the date as March 20th and the weight as 8lb 10ozs...
Good luck with the new baby.
Christine Jones

Marjorie's Busy Corner said... 27

I guess March 26 at 8:15am....and weighing 8lbs. 6 oz.

Marjorie's Busy Corner said... 28

I am following....

Paulette said... 29

My first guess is March 24 at 5:05 a.m. (that's my sister's birthday and my own birth time).

Paulette said... 30

I'm a follower. Second guess, March 28 at 3:30 p.m.

Paulette said... 31

Link back to my blog with a baby quilt I made a couple years ago:

Third guess: March 26 at 4:29 p.m.

ThreeOldKeys said... 32

well hey, i'll take a guess:

March 23 about 9 pm.

this is my first visit to your blog!


ThreeOldKeys said... 33

i'm your newest follower !!!

i'm thinking your sweetie might arrive on March 24, around 9 pm.

ThreeOldKeys said... 34

... and here are the Christmas stockings I made for the 2 cutest grandbunnies in the world:

I cross stitched their first names on one side and their full names with birth dates on the other. But I was too nutty to show that info so it's covered up ... contact me if you'd like to see the lettering!

Your little one will surely be born on March 25 around 9:00 pm !!!

Snoodles said... 35

What fun! I'll guess March 17, because that is my wedding anniversary...yep, we got married on St. Paddy's day, and we're not even Irish! LOL I think she will say hello at about 2:00 in the afternoon!
Would love to win a baby size quilt for the Hope Center near me. :)

Mhairi said... 36

Fourth Baby: Normally late but I am wishing you the perfect baby so I am think it will be one of the 3% that is born on it's actual day and go with March 29th at 11:39am.
Good luck with everything, hope it all goes to plan.

Carla G said... 37

March 25th at 8:25pm

Carla G said... 38

I'm a new follower!
March 22nd at 3:33pm

free indeed said... 39

March 24th at 5:30 in the morning.

kathy said... 40

What a fun giveaway.
Here goes: 4th child?
March 21 at noon.
If the rest were late then this one will be the early bird who gets the worm,

Elizabeth said... 41

Guess #1:

March 26th at 8:03 am

xo -E

Elizabeth said... 42

Guess #2 (I'm a follower):

March 23rd at 7:43 pm

xo -E

Elizabeth said... 43

Guess #3 (link to a minkey & flannel baby quilt):

March 12 at 2:42 pm

xo -E

Anonymous said... 44

Well, since I have a baby in March, I'm guess the first day of Spring, March 20th and 2:42 in the afternoon. =)

Amy said... 45

My guess is March 27th at 4:17pm.

Karen Smith said... 46

March 14th at 4:09am. :) Congrats on #4! Oh BTW, I added another fugly pack with lots of pink in it! Could be useful for another girl quilt.

Lisa said... 47

Well March 29th is my birthday, so I'll go with the 29, 10:10 am and my youngest child weighed 9 lbs 14 oz so I will go with that.

I have a great pattern for burp cloths, I'll see if I can find it and email it to you. I would love to receive something made by you. I love handmade quilts.

Unknown said... 48

I would guess April 1st. I always thought that would be a cool day to have a birthday.
I would also guess 5 pounds 9 ounces for her weight.
What ever day it is, I wish you a healthy baby girl with a quick delivery!

Unknown said... 49

I am a new follower.
I will post to my sidebar.
This is one of my favorite raggy quilts that I sold on my Etsy.I love to make raggy quilts,they go together so quickly.

Unknown said... 50
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Lisa Cox said... 51

March 22nd at 8:55am

My Sister Made Me Do It.... said... 52

Hi Richard.....the only baby I ever had that was close to being on time was my first....the other two were late so I am guessing that Julia Dawn will be here on April all don't plan to induce if she's too late?? LOL.........Congratulations!

My Sister Made Me Do It.... said... 53

I'm a new follower

agoldencomet said... 54

I believe that Julia will arrive on March 27th at 8:17 am.

agoldencomet said... 55

I am a new follower. She may arrive On March 25th at 8:17 am.

agoldencomet said... 56

But then Maybe she will arrive on March 26th at 3:13 am.
Please check out my Blog at for Sunday Jan 22nd. There are lots of baby quilts there that I made for my local hospital.

Mike Pearson said... 57

I'm going with 10 days early and 8 lb. 8 oz. (March 19)... They were lucky for me :)

mammafairy said... 58
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mammafairy said... 59

I am now following, as I have found you!

Baby will arrive, on March 24th, around tea time, 17.45.

mammafairy said... 60

Julia will make an entrance, on March 26th around 11.45 am

mammafairy said... 61

Baby dresses, with matching knickers can be seen on my blog,

These always look cute on a little one, hiding the nappy (can you tell I am British?)

Ness said... 62

I'd like to guess at March 31st as it's my Dad's birthday :)

Beth said... 63

I am going to guess March 23rd at 3:00 PM

Beth said... 64

I follow by email

Kathy S. said... 65

March 23, 2012. Time: 9:23am.
Good luck with the L&D!

Kathy S. said... 66

I am a follower.

Kathy S. said... 67

Here's a baby quilt I made last summer:

Kathy S. said... 68

I blogged about your giveaway today at:

Maxine said... 69

March 22, 3:50pm.

Maxine said... 70

I blogged it

Kathy S. said... 71

3/22 at 12:05am

Kathy S. said... 72

3/24 at 7:02 am

Kathy S. said... 73

3/24 at 9:08am

Finding Fifth said... 74

Say March 28th at a nice hour like 11am. All the best whatever the time and date though.

Finding Fifth said... 75

just became your follower...thanks for joining my blog too at

Finding Fifth said... 76

Okay...late last year I made a floor quilt for the babies in our local MOPS group. You can find it here at

Dara said... 77

I am due with my fifth around the same time as you- all the best. I am going to guess March 31 at 5 pm, just in time for dinner!

Jezibels said... 78

My guess on the date is March 21st.

Sarah said... 79

I'm putting my guess on her arriving dead on time, March 29th, and hopefully for you it'll be 6pm or so, then your wife will get the most peaceful time of the day to rest right away.

kinter said... 80

MArch 27, 9:38 a.m.

kinter said... 81

I'm a follower, so this is my 2nd guess.
March 31, 6:49 p.m.

kinter said... 82
Link to a bounceback strap, which is really great to put around bottles, toys, binkies, etc.
Last guess: April 1, 2:14 a.m.

Maxine said... 83

March 24, 10:15 am

Maxine said... 84

March 23, 2:48 pm

Maxine said... 85

March 26, 4:44 am

Andrea said... 86

Oh what a great month for a birth! I'll guess March 31 at 6:15 pm. 8 lb 9 oz

Anita said... 87

March 25. I am following.

NurseBrandy said... 88

I'm Guessing April 1st...
Gotta love an April Fool's baby!!

Good Luck!!! :)

Unknown said... 89

23th march. hugs

Janine @ Rainbow Hare said... 90

I'm guessing March 27th and 7lb 6oz :) Good luck luck, esp to your wife!, whatever day and weight :)

Janine @ Rainbow Hare said... 91

I follow your blog, btw, but the new 'prove you're not a robot' is driving me insane!

Anonymous said... 92

March 29th @ 7:50 pm!

All the best for welcoming Julia Dawn into this world!


Anonymous said... 93

Being the fourth, she will be anxious to join in all the family fun. She will happily arrive on March 21 at 3:21 a.m. Welcome to the world Julia Dawn!

Deb said... 94

I'm going to guess April 1st at 12:01 a.m. (which is when I was born!).

Here's a link to a baby quilt I am finishing up for a friend due in March:

Lovely name for your daughter, by the way!

Anonymous said... 95

Hmmm, let's see. It's kinda early, but I say March 17th, St. Patrick's Day. And if the lass is born that day, I say 3:47 am! I'll be looking forward to hearing the answer. 8-)

robin said... 96

March 26, 9 lbs. 14 oz. (but I hope for mom's sake it's a smaller baby!)

Sandra J. Strickler said... 97

April 1, 8:11 a.m.
Praying for a healthy happy baby!!!

Sandra J. Strickler said... 98

Became a follower of your blog, so my 2nd guess is March 27 at 3:14 p.m.

Cheryl's Teapots2Quilting said... 99

My first was due on March 31st, and I'd been told for almost a month that it would be 'any day now'. Liars! He arrived on April 4th. I'm picking that date (great date) for my guess.

Cheryl's Teapots2Quilting said... 100

I'm a follower.

Cheryl's Teapots2Quilting said... 101

I actually made a baby quilt the end of last year. The picture is at the bottom of the post (bad picture, sorry).

~Niki~ said... 102

I will guess March 28th, because that's my dad's bday. I will say at 6:24 a.m. Hope I'm right! :)

~Niki~ said... 103

I follow!

~Niki~ said... 104

Forgot the weight. I will put that at 8 pounds 3 oz.

Irina said... 105

Hey Congratulations! I'm due in 12 weeks myself...!

ok, so here's my guess...
I'll say she'll be born on March the 26th (that's my daughter's birthday, she was due March 28...)
And I'd say her weight will be....7 pounds 11 ounces.

Irina said... 106

Here's a link of some burp cloths I made as a gift

Mary said... 107

Monday's child is child is fair of face....So, I am guessing Monday, March 26 at 6:15 a.m.

Good luck!

ZZB said... 108

March 27, 8:15pm 7lb 15 oz. Good luck and best wishes.

Chiska said... 109

March 30 3p.m. :)

mary mahoo said... 110

March 31 (my birthday) 3:13AM Good luck Tanya, and welcome Julia!

Anonymous said... 111

Exciting days and wondrous too..I am so thrilled for you and your family to be expecting the arrival of Julia Dawn. I'd like to guess that she might arrive on my own special day, our 11th wedding anniversay, which is the 24th of March at let's say 11.55am. (No pressure though and it is quite ok if she is's a girl's perogative!) Whenever the big day is I pray for a safe and swift delivery and hope you will all enjoy the blessings of your new daughter. :)toni-anne {grace(at)amnet(dot)net(dot)au}

Anonymous said... 112

Oh Julia Dawn's weight!: 6lb 5oz:)toni-anne {grace(at)ammnet(dot)net(dot)au} I am now a follower!

julie said... 113

Julia Dawn will arrive at 2.20pm on the 24th March 2012 weighing a hefty 8lb 4 0zs.

Cherie said... 114

I'm going to guess April 2nd at 10.29 =D

Tarnyia said... 115

I am going to say 1st April xxx

Robert said... 116

I'm going to guess March 23rd, 7:23 am, weigh 7 pounds 14 oz, and 21 inches long. Gotta have the length in there. And dark hair. What a blessing to have a new born. Congrats and best wishes. Robert, in beautiful warm northern Iowa.

VickiT said... 117

Ok since I've been following along now a few weeks I figured I may as well give this a shot.

My guess is March 19th at 4:39pm

Congratulations on the new baby.

VickiT said... 118

oops. that last post said I'd been following your blog for weeks and I honestly have but via email. I just realized I hadn't clicked the GFC button yet until just now.

Anyway, for my 2nd guess I'm going to guess March 24th at 10:11pm

Katy said... 119's a complete shot in the dark...I think she will be born March 26th at 7:18pm!

thecountryblossom at hotmail dot com

Katy said... 120

I am now a blog follower!

thecountryblossom at hotmail dot com

Katy said... 121

If you follow this link: and scroll to the bottom of the post, you will see a sleep sack I knit for a baby. You could definitely quilt one and this would give you a great idea! :)

thecountryblossom at hotmail dot com

bethanndodd said... 122

I wish your wife the best (and most relaxing) of labors! I will guess March 23 @ 11:59 am. Congrats!

bethanndodd said... 123

I am a GFC follower...yay!
Thanks for the chance! Smiles~Beth

bethanndodd said... 124

If you scroll through the entire post you will see several baby items along with links to tutorial, etc. I would have loved to sew things for our babies but I didn't learn to sew until our youngest was 2, have fun! Smiles~Beth

Tracey @ The Peony Teacup said... 125

My new neice/nephew is due on 7th April (Easter Saturday) so I'm going with 7th April at 6pm (the time my son was born)

Tracey @ The Peony Teacup said... 126

I'm a GFC follower, so for my second guess I think if she doesn't come late, she'll be early.... March 27 at 2:57pm (my daughter's birth time)

gudrun said... 127

Congratulations on this forth coming blessed event. I am going to guess this young lady will be early, on the first day of spring March 20th, born
near sunrise at 6:45 am.
But when ever it happens wishing especially mom but dad too, a wonderful and easy experience.
Cheers to you all.

Needled Mom said... 128

I'm guessing she will arrive on March 23rd and will weigh in at 8#2oz. Our fouth son was 7 years old when we had our daughter. Seven years must be the magic number as our son and his wife are in the same situation! You will enjoy this one!!!!!

Marcia W. said... 129

I GFC follow so here is my second entry, March 31 - my brother's b'day.

Needled Mom said... 130

I love making baby gifts. Here are some burp cloths I made.

Gwen said... 131

I am going to guess March 22-- that's not far away now!! Congratulations and best wishes!! :-)

Nancy R. said... 132

I'm going to guess March 29 at 5:00 p.m.

Cal said... 133

Ok, I will guess March 30th at 2 pm.

Carol D. said... 134

My guess seems to have disappeared so I will put it on again. March 23 at 2:30 pm.
csdillman at gmail dot com

Carol D. said... 135

And because I am a follower, my second guess is March 24 at 8:01 am.

Ella said... 136

March 28, 8 lbs 9 oz.

Nancy Sue said... 137

Due to the rain and barametric pressure dropping this weekend, I'm going to guess, Monday March 26 at 6:20pm. Thanks for the guess :) I found your blog during this week's St. Patrick's blog hop over at quilting gallery. Prayers for you and your family this week, as it's gettttttting exciiiiting! WHoo hoo! And congrats early!

Nancy Sue said... 138

I am a follower, so my second vote is Tuesday March 27th at 6am just in time for some OJ and bacon!

Andrea said... 139

Second vote...I'm a follower...I'll go with April 3, 7:17 am

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