Monday, September 17, 2012

Bug Rag Quilt

Today's Post by Richard

I have been sick and under the weather the last few days and have done no quilting (I know no one believes I can just sit around and do nothing) but it does happen.  I guess I have been doing a little more then nothing.  I did some programming, but I did not do any thing fantastic.  I did watch some TV tonight the new show Revolution was on.  I have a link to my blog and on the blog a link to the pilot if any one missed and wants to go watch it.  Enough about that I guess your wondering what this quilt is.  This is another finish, but I have to give most the credit to Rebecca my 14 year old she sewed all the X's together and then all the blocks into rows.  I did sew the rows together and Tanya cut it.

This is some flannel I found last trip to Joann's  It was on sale and so cute (talking about the bug's). I had to grab something to go with it, so I got some blue and then some yellow gingham.  It turned out great.  This will be going on the Etsy store as soon as I get better pictures and I told Rebecca she could have the money it makes.


Cherie said... 1

Such a cute quilt! The fabric is adorable. Rebecca did a great job!! =D

Christine M said... 2

Lovely quilt Richard. I hope you are feeling better soon. I was unwell a little while ago and just laid on the couch for 3 days. My family knew I was really sick when I didn't even pick up a needle and stitch!

Quiltn Mama said... 3

Hope you're on the mend soon, Richard. Cute quilt..your daughter did an awesome job!

Anonymous said... 4

Hope you are feeling better already. That's a cute quilt. I expect Rebecca will be tithing her money very soon!

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